Rings have been ordered, and are on their way....from Isreal....
We didn't realize when we saw them, fell in love and ordered them, that they would be coming from so far. But, if all goes well, they should be here a few days before we do our courthouse ceremony. Cross your fingers for me though, wouldja?
Oh, here's what they'll look like:

It's recycled silver, and it's wrapped with recycled green wire. We LOVE them.
They are custom made and we're so excited to see them :-)
Speaking of courthouse eceremony, we picked a date! We'll be heading to Marriage Court around 930am on Saturday July 16th. Hopefully with our rings from Isreal in our pockets!
We've made the decision - iPod for music! It's so EASY and all we have to do is set up playlists for each period of time where the music should vary (cocktails, Dinner, post-dinner dancing!), and then just set it to shuffle! If there's something that hasn't come up yet that we're dying to hear we can just put it on, no biggie!
We also got our first "something borrowed"! Sara's sister Amy is lending us the large birdcage she used to collect cards in. Which is great, because who can picture ever using it again? Not us, and Amy seemed happy that someone would be able to use it again - so hooray!
So to sum up:
Ceremony Date? Set!
Rings? on their way from Isreal! (::crossing fingers::)
iPod as the DJ? DONE!
Birdcage for collecting cards? done!
Things are moving along swimmingly - Save the Dates should be out very soon - just need ONE more address!